Creme de la Mer
1 oz.- $110.00
2 oz.- $195.00
16.5 oz.- $1,200.00
Available at:
There are beauty products, and there are luxury beauty products, and then there are beauty products that dreams are made of. Creme de la Mer is one of those dream items that many worship, but few have the good fortune to try out. I don't actually know anyone who uses Creme de la Mer, but I got a first-hand account of what a la Mer user looks like from Kim, one of our Stiletto Jungle Girl Talk panelists. One encounter and Kim's a la Mer believer. Here's what she had to say about when girl met la Mer:
"My favorite beauty product that I have heard about and used is Creme de la Mer. ... It is an absolute miracle worker. I remember when I first heard of this product. I was sitting at the bar at a local restaurant waiting for my table to get ready and I met a fascinating couple. They were mature and were talking about their kids, but they looked like they were in college and had just started dating. The husband looked like he was 26 and the wife about 29.
I was discussing with them their age and mentioned how great they looked [and] what amazing skin they had. The husband was an avid surfer and his skin did not have one wrinkle. The wife turned to me and said, 'Wait, have you not heard of Creme de la Mer?' She continued, telling me about how every time her son falls skateboarding she puts it on his scratches and cuts, making them disappear within days without leaving a scar behind, and how every day she uses this product and it leaves her skin spotless. This was the best testimony [for Creme de la Mer]--I got living proof."
Ready to give Creme de la Mer a try? Click on the photo to link directly to where you can purchase Creme de la Mer online. Want the best of online beauty shopping delivered right to your inbox? Subscribe to Stiletto Jungle and get free updates by e-mail or RSS.
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