I have this theory that a girl's daytime handbag can really never be too big. There's always more stuff that you wish you could carry to and fro, and a slightly bigger bag would handle the problem nicely. Seems like Hilary Duff agrees with me. This pint-sized cutie is never without an oversized handbag slung over her shoulder. Smart girl. What's Hilary's latest handbag obsession? A supersized Rebecca Minkoff number that has been spotted on her arm several times.
Rebecca Minkoff "Nikki" Handbag
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Want to steal Hilary Duff's oversized handbag style? She's been sporting the "Nikki" Handbag from Rebecca Minkoff (right). This just-big-enough leather handbag is perfect for schlepping all of your daytime needs back and forth to work, but is still stylish enough to make an appearance at cocktail hour. The light tan Cognac is a simple neutral color that will pair well with fall's jewel tones, particularly the rich plums and grapes. Are you a brave kind of fashionista? This hot handbag is available in a rich winter White in addition to the Cognac color pictured here. White leather is always a risky proposition, but you really can't beat it for dramatic effect. I'm still debating which version I like better...
Click on the photo at right to link directly to where you can purchase the Rebecca Minkoff "Nikki" Handbag, as seen on Hilary Duff, online.