Stephenson "Delta Dawn" Jeans$240.00
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I'm always on the lookout for the next big thing in denim. I'm a full-on designer jeans addict and I'm convinced that at any given time there is something in the world of denim that I'm missing out on. Needless to say, when I ran across Stephenson Denim I was furious that I hadn't found this amazing line sooner... never mind that the line just launched!
North Carolina native Amy Stephenson designed the Stephenson Denim line with one thing in mind: making understated luxury jeans. After season after season of elaborately adorned pockets and crazy washes, I have to say that Stephenson Denim is a huge breath of fresh air. The detailed, slightly higher waist styles are classically stunning. Kind of hard to believe that this is the debut collection, isn't it?
Stephenson "Mercer Fisherman" Jeans$240.00
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Every pair of Stephenson Denim jeans is exquisite and completely unique, with its own signature details. I was actually tempted to put pictures of all of the styles and washes here because I was having a crazy hard time picking out just two pictures. But, I narrowed it down to my absolute favorites.
The Delta Dawn Jeans (top left) are available in the richest shade of inky blue and feature a higher waistline. The over all effect is a bit of a '70s vibe, but more of a hot '70s country girl than Charlie's Angels. The Mercer Fisherman (right) is a clever mix of one part sailor pants, one part trouser jeans, and one part classic straight-leg. Ahh, but the buttons are the best part: a wood-look center rimmed in antiqued bronze. Love it.
Click on either photo to link directly to where you can purchase that pair of jeans from the debut collection of Stephenson Denim, or visit the entire Stephenson collection online at Want the newest and hottest fashion finds delivered right to your inbox? Subscribe to Stiletto Jungle and get free updates by e-mail or RSS.
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