Origins Never a Dull Moment Scrub$23.50
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I'm not sure at what point my formerly youthful, gleaming skin took a turn for the dull side. It was somewhere in my mid-twenties, after one too many law school classes and a few too many post-class alcoholic beverages. One day I just woke up with tired looking skin. Nothing dramatic; just a little more tired than I was used to. Determined to nip that nasty little trend in the bud, I set out to find the best scrub I could get my hands on. After much researching and testing, I found my holy grail of scrubs: Origins Never a Dull Moment. I've used this exact same scrub ever since.
Origins Never a Dull Moment Cleanser$17.50
Available at:
A few years after Origins introduced the best-selling Never a Dull Moment scrub they began producing Never a Dull Moment cleanser. This luscious smelling cleanser has the same papaya enzymes as the scrub, but worked into a daily cleanser. This cleanser is a little too drying for me to use daily-- it's intended for oily or combination skin, not my dry skin-- but using it in place of my normal cleanser on the days I don't use the scrub is just right. The combination of the two products keeps my face flake free, glowing, and decidedly less tired. Problem solved.
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