--By Jules NewmarkWhere to shop today... well what about from the comfort of your new suede loveseat while sipping a French martini and watching the latest
Gossip Girl? I do believe this sounds like heaven!
These days, finding the right handbag to go with the right shoes and the perfect skinny jeans is SO easy with online shopping. There is no need to spend $4.00 a gallon for premium gas to fill up your SL-500, try to find parking amongst the masses who think the drive is worth the crowds and get into a mall store or large department store trying to find a match to your clothes back in your walk-in closet. Absolutely none! Instead, find yourself back at home, completely relaxed and living large, clicking and scrolling through the latest website of handbags for instance.
The latest in designers you probably can't find anywhere at the mall anyways are on
StefaniBags.com. Brands like Linea Pelle, Abas, and Cynthia Rowley grace this site, which is a recent launch to the online shopping world and will continue to feature bags by taking the advice of their customers who voice their opinions and requests for fresh designs and new designers. I don't think there are that many sites that actually have an about us section that makes you feel so welcome, especially with an invite to blog about bags on their own site! StefaniBags.com gets my #1 recommendation to view this week!
Jules Newmark is a contributing writer for Adventures in the Stiletto Jungle. Jules is currently based in sun drenched San Diego, California, where she works, and works the scene, as a modeling agent. Jules's beauty must-haves include mascara by Dior, perfume by Calvin Klein, and a really good sunblock.