--By Jules NewmarkI love the new movement of the world - in America, the newer trendy move - to be green and eco friendly. In America, it's almost like wearing something recycled or redoing your house in renewable resources makes you more on top of the current fashions and goings on in the world. But let's get real - while the rest of the world, particularly Europe, are going green for an actual cause, we need to start getting serious and catch up on this trend turned reason. Why don't you start by recycling... not for money for cans - although, why not, but just to keep that whole "Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and close the loop." But this doesn't have to just be with cans and bottles!
Many designers are turning to a green design theory and creating pieces made of recycled fabrics, so chic in 2009!
Nicole Bridger, Canada design maven, is one of these Eco fashion designers who looks to mother the earth by changing the way clothes are made. A cute and thoughtful touch to each piece is the label put inside saying "I am love" which Bridger hopes will spread the word of love to help care for the people of the earth - it certainly makes you feel mothered! My mom used to put little labels in my clothes she made that had little thoughts of love, so this extra touch is very endearing!
With schooling from experience working at Vivienne Westwood, she learned the art of making sculpture out of clothes. Her women's wear line, Nicole Bridger, has just gone to our favorite 24/7 shopping mall - the internet! Now you can buy this line wherever you live - Bridger is so far only carried in Canadian boutiques. I got a sneak peek into the Spring/Summer '09 collection and it's looking comfortable and cool with tans, navy, black, and belted looks. Now available online is the Fall/Winter '08 collection to finish out our colder days before Spring blooms... which I can't wait for! So go green on a few things, it will make you feel better and look better for a good reason. Maybe one day the masses in America will realize it's a bit more than fashionable and "of the moment" to save our planet!
Jules Newmark is a contributing writer for Adventures in the Stiletto Jungle. Jules is currently based in sun drenched San Diego, California, where she works, and works the scene, as a modeling agent. Jules's beauty must-haves include mascara by Dior, perfume by Calvin Klein, and a really good sunblock.