Jergens Soft Shimmer Moisturizer
Available at:
In order to show off your legs without feeling self-conscious, you can’t just rely on self tanners. First, you want to make sure your legs get proper exfoliation in the summer. The skin tends to get uneven and hair just loves to grow faster during such a non-convenient time! My favorite leg exfoliant is Sally Hansen Exfoliating Leg Polisher. This remarkable product gets rid of dry, flakey, uneven skin by moisturizing legs and polishing everything out evenly. That’s not all. It also contains Vitamins A, C, and E which is what helps exfoliate dead skin cells while simultaneously stimulating new cell growth. Retinol and Vitamin K are also present. The Retinol helps strengthen and tone skin elasticity, while Vitamin K aids in fading spider veins and other scars.
Biosilk Silk Therapy
$10.00 - $90.00
Available at:
For the last touch, the icing on the cake, I recommend using Biosilk Silk Therapy. I love how you can use this product on your hair and all over your body for a silky, shiny, soft finish. After the Jergens shimmer moisturizer dries, take a teaspoon-sized amount of Biosilk and rub it onto your legs. The results will be impeccable. After this 3-step process the legs will be ready for a grand entry. Speaking of which, I need to get my legs ready for their big date night out!