Olympics Fashion: Ralph Lauren U.S. Olympic Collection

Ralph Lauren Olympic Games Flag Sweatshirt
Olympic Games Flag Sweatshirt

Available at: ralphlauren.com

The countdown to the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games has begun... are you excited? Or already burned out on the hype? Personally, I am a huge Olympics junkie and I have been since I watched my first summer Olympics in 1984. I love the competition, the all-day coverage, and the true joy on the faces of athletes who have worked their whole life (without getting paid for it) just for that one moment. Love it.

I also love that, as the Olympics have become more commercialized, those unpaid amateur athletes have received more recognition. Sure, some big company is making money off of the exploitation, but I still enjoy that Olympic athletes are getting a little something out of the deal. So, in my effort to promote those who promote amateur athletes, we'll be featuring some fabulous Olympics fashion in the days leading up to the big games.

Ralph Lauren Olympic Games Shawl Cardigan
Olympic Games Shawl Cardigan

Available at: ralphlauren.com

No discussion of Olympic Games and fashion would be complete without shining the spotlight on Ralph Lauren. The Ralph Lauren label has been the official outfitter of U.S. Olympic athletes for years now. I think it's a match made in sartorial heaven. The Olympics are all about representing your country and I can't think of a single designer who embodies classic American style like Ralph Lauren. Seeing the U.S. athletes march in wearing matching Ralph Lauren always makes me proud... and isn't that the point?

Want to snag some of your own Ralph Lauren U.S. Olympic Team gear? You can get some of the same designs provided to the American athletes right at the Ralph Lauren online store. From stylish sweatshirts and leggings, to the actual sweaters that the team will be wearing as they walk in the opening ceremony, there's a little something for all degrees of Olympic devotion. You can even snag a team jersey personalized with your name! A couple of my favorite picks are pictured here.

Click through any photo to link directly to where you can purchase that item, or check out the entire U.S. Olympic Collection at Ralph Lauren.