New & Hot: Current Elliott Captain Trouser

Current/Elliott Captain Trouser in Army
Current/Elliott Captain Trouser

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I have to admit, when I first ran across these Current Elliott Captain Trousers in Army I couldn't help but to think that they give off almost the exact same vibe as this season's must-have J Brand Houlihan Cargos... but for about $70 less. Not that these cropped trousers aren't super stylish and worthy of adoration on their own, they just remind me a lot of a certain other pair of twill pants.

Comparisons to the pant of the summer aside, these Current Elliott trousers are pretty ideal for summer. They have an effortless slouch that could easily be either dressed up or dressed down, depending on your choice of top and accessories. Also, they do fit in well with the military / utilitarian trends that are so big for spring and summer this year. And, the fact that they are the most affordable of the designer cropped twill pants that I've seen floating around this season definitely makes them worthy of some extra attention.

Click on the photo to link directly to where you can purchase the new Current Elliott Captain Trousers online.