I've noticed that after this especially dry winter, my normal exfoliation routine just doesn't cut it anymore. Bleh. I've found two awesome products that I use in tandem every Sunday night to ready myself for the week. They were both highly rated online, with a ton of reviews praising both products. In fact, I started using these after looking for ways to get rid of dark circles in the under eye area. But, I found that this routine refreshes the skin as well.
First, start with a clean dry face. Then, use Aloette's Restorative Enzyme Peel, applying a thin layer and rubbing gently until little beads form. Finally, wash off the peel with warm water and pat dry. This is great for sensitive skin -- it's pretty mild, but works so well.

→ Buy the Aloette Restorative Enzyme Peel, $40.95, at aloette.com.
The second product I recommend using lightly if you have very sensitive skin: Phytomer Gommage Marin Purifying Gommage Exfoliant. Use it on a clean dry face (I use after the enzyme mask), and very sparingly. Pat a thin layer on problem areas -- under eye, nose, cheeks. Let dry for a couple minutes and then remove with fingers in circular motion over skin. Try to get as much off as possible with fingers, then rinse with water.

→ Buy the Phytomer Gommage Marin Purifying Gommage Exfoliant, $41.07, at drugstore.com.
Your skin should be oh-so-soft and ready for a moisturizer! I dig Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream personally. No scent, it just does its job. A good night of sleep and you should be refreshed with some beautiful renewed skin for your week.

→ Buy the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream, $26.50 - $46.50, at kiehls.com.
If you still have flaking or dryness, pull out the big guns and hit up one of my favorite lines -- Make Up For Ever with their HD Elixir. This stuff is insane -- all you need is a tiny little drop, just on the stubborn dry patch. It will absorb and gives you 520% hydration! You will never see those dry patches again. Always a good product to keep around.

→ Buy the Make Up For Ever HD Elixir, $40.00, at sephora.com.
Editor's Note: This post was originally published on March 31, 2011. It has since been updated to ensure all links are up to date and all prices are current.