What woman doesn't love a trend that makes her look shapely by holding in her tight in all of the right places? Well, that's exactly what these dresses do if you buy the right ones.
I am sure you have seen the style all over town and you might not be sure where to get one and/or if you should even copy the look. Understandably, because some women look GREAT in them -- sleek, expensive and shapely but some others...uh, not quite right -- ill-shaped and cheap. Well check out the video and I will give you three tips to make sure you fall into the sleek, expensive (but not broke) and shapely group by:
- Telling you where to get the right ones for the right price.
- Giving you parameters for the length.
- Recommending what to pair them with.
P.S. Don't know about Rent the Runway? Well, accept my invite to join this site that offers you the chance to rent designer clothing for only a fraction of the cost. Key points:
- Cost is 10% of the retail price.
- They send you 2 sizes (don't want to risk it not fitting for your special occasion.
- You can rent more than one dress for the same event (a girl needs options).
- Return it with no fuss in their pre-paid, pre-addressed return envelope.