What is it about handbags? I don't get the addiction. I don't need any more handbags. I mean, I have 10 or 12 (I try not to count). That's plenty. But... argh... I don't have this handbag. And I want it. It's super splurge-worthy.
The Alexander Wang Emile Small Frenchbull Tote is a heavily structured bag, despite what the "tote" name would imply. It's crafted from ultra luxe leather in this rich, deep burgandy-brown color. I think the color is what initially drew me in, but it's the details that kept me enthralled.
The slotted detail on the front is eye-catching because of its uniqueness, but the fact that it's all the same color and texture of leather keeps it simple. The metal feet are also quite unique -- I'm not sure that I've seen another bag that has this style of photo-corner metal feet. Finally, the dual handles give you some options for carrying -- more casual with the shoulder strap or more formal with the top handle.
Altogether, this best selling bag from the Saks Fifth Avenue online store is a classic choice that will remain relevant from season to season, making it worth the significant price tag.
→ Buy the Alexander Wang Emile Small Frenchbull Tote, $895.00, at saks.com.