On any list of investment worthy bags a space must be reserved for a classic Gucci leather bag. Unlike the somewhat overplayed canvas logo bags, Gucci's line of leather bags are understated while maintaining a clear level of luxury and quality. This classic shoulder bag silhouette is definitely one of my favorites.
The Gucci Vintage Web Medium Boston Bag is crafted from a lush Tobacco leather with the signature Gucci web stripe detail in green and red. The detailing is in a pale goldtone and contrasting brown leather, all of which is quite subtle. While the green and red stripe is very recognizable as a Gucci symbol to those who follow those kinds of things, it feels a lot less ostentatious and showy that a standard Gucci logo. I'm kind of over logos, and most fashionistas I know have a similar feeling. This bag seems to sidestep that place.
The great thing about this bag is the fact that it will literally go with just about anything. It would look great with you suit on the way to work, and the roomy interior would nicely hold all of your everyday essentials. It would also look quite nice with your jeans and other casual clothes. The only ensemble this bag wouldn't really match would be something super dressy -- like a cocktail dress or ball gown. This classic, wear-with-anything bag is a quality addition to any handbag wardrobe and a great sartorial investment.
→ Buy the Gucci Vintage Web Medium Boston Bag, $1,350.00, at saks.com.