I haven’t featured nail polishes in several months, but the changing season reminded me that it is time to start wearing darker and deeper hues in preference to the lighter summer colors. This month is the last hoorah for bright hues that you should replace with darker colors during the fall and winter months.
Today, my coworker came to work wearing a smoking hot color called "Kook-A-Mango" and it’s awesome. It’s very similar to O.P.I’s "Cajun Shrimp" and just as sassy and fun. "Kook-A-Mango" is similar to red that you can wear in October. Depending on the bottle, it can look deeper or brighter. It’s easy to wear with all your clothes and also great for your toes. Keep it sassy and bright before you go dark.

→ Buy the Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Nail Polish in Kook-a-Mango, $6.79, at amazon.com.
Love Tiffany’s? Try a baby blue hue to keep your nails fresh and clean looking. Although I don’t wear blue often, I have seen some gals really pull off this color. I like it for two reasons: it’s unique and you won’t find many people, other than yourself, wearing this color. If you can pull it off, then you should definitely give this color a whirl. Although the color is not as sophisticated as those I usually recommend, it will last for several months because you can’t wear off this color very easily. I am all about getting your last minute fashion and accessory temptations out of the way before they become a, no-no!

→ Buy the China Glaze Nail Laquer with Hardeners in Audrey, $6.50, at drugstore.com.
This next color is not my style, but I need to stop being selfish and showcase things that aren’t my cup of tea. A bright green may be nice on a purse but imagine a bright green nail polish on your nails. Well, you don’t need to imagine it, because you can wear it and flaunt it with pride. China Glaze "In the Lime Light" is a conversation starter. If you wear this color on a date, I bet he will notice.

→ Buy the China Glaze Nail Laquer with Hardeners in In The Lime Light, $6.50, at drugstore.com.
Besides "Cajon Shrimp", I wear OPI’s "Chicago Campagne Toast." It is a simple pastel hue that you can wear during the color months because of its softness. Although it may appear a tad young because it is glittery, it’s acceptable for work and most occasions.

→ Buy the OPI Classic Shades Nail Lacquer in Chicago Champagne Toast, $8.00, at drugstore.com.