Everyone loves nail polish! The allure of perfect, fashionable nails is calling and this spring you have a wide array of choices that will fit your wardrobe and skin color while still being fashionable and hip. Here are some of the best spring nail polish colors and trends for 2013:
Pale and Perfect
Natural is in with pale nail polishes like Sally Hansen’s Baguette Beige. From pale pink to crisp white to beige neutral you have the opportunity to make your nails stand out against dark skin or blend in with your lighter skin tones. Pair with leather accessories for a chic look that is all the rage.

→ Buy the Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Nail Color in Baguette Beige, $4.59, at amazon.com.
Dark and Seductive
Speaking of rage, black is back for nails. Nail polish colors like Butter London’s Union Jack Black, bring the seductress in us all to the light. Dark brown, ebony, and blackest black accent the pale colors of spring with an edgy look that turns heads.

→ Buy the Butter London Nail Lacquer in Union Jack Black, $15.00, at nordstrom.com; shipping and returns are free.
Metallic Sheen
Want a little more bling on your nails? Try shades like Sephora’s OPI Silver and Gold. Adding metallic combos to base colors is fashionable these days. Personally I love the sheen of silver against black. It looks like jewelry you can wear on your nails! Gold and red or coral is another great combination.

→ Buy the Sephora by OPI Perfect Pairs in Precious Metal-lics (Silver and Gold), $10.00, at sephora.com.
Crazy Combos
If you are a fan of combination colors then this is the style for you. I love the drip manicure myself. Using a crimson shade like China Glaze’s Paint The Town Red with a pale base coat of China Glaze’s Nude you achieve a bloody hot manicure. You can also do a French style manicure with bold combos like black and white or coral and aqua.

→ Buy the China Glaze Nail Polish in Paint the Town Red, $4.99, at amazon.com.

→ Buy the China Glaze Nail Polish in Nude, $7.25, at amazon.com.
Fragile Pastels
Spring is all about the pastels. Shades like the pale purple Maybelline’s Iced Queen, OPI’s Spot-Light Pink, and the sky blue of Oscar de la Renta’s Larimar, gives your nails the gentle look of a flower petal. Pair with delicate bracelets and petit rings for a young and flirty spring look.
No matter what your spring style is you are sure to find one of these spring nail polish colors that will fit your taste. From pale and pretty to dark and bold the array of nail styles for spring 2013 is something to behold!

→ Buy the Oscar de la Renta Nail Lacquer in Larimar, $22.00, at oscardelarenta.com.
Photo: Imaxtree
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